펜팔 펜팔 넷 - 세계친구들과 언어교환, 문화교류
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펜팔 검색 결과 : 8556

Chris / 39 /
My name is Chris, I'm 39, from UK. Any pronouns, but Chris is fine too. I like art, games, internet, tv, music etc. I like to draw and paint. I'm Looking for someone with similar interests. But I don't care about age, ge
北村朋唯(Tomotada Kitamura) / 82 /
Im not always a young man but so far keeping healthy life in Osaka Japan. In my younger days I worked for a pharmaceutical co.named Boeringer Ingelheim japan (Germany capital). My first job was the transration of b
くま / 59 /
日本で基礎教育を大学卒業まで受けてから、アメリカで社会人として財産を築いた後、資産運用に切り替え、今は温暖な南カリフォルニアのビーチ近くの一軒家でチワワとノンビリ暮らしている50代後半のバツの男性です メールから日々の事などを話しながらお互いに心地よい関係が築けたらと思い投稿させて頂きました 気が合えば、季節に合わせハワイと日本を行き来しながら、自然とグルメをシェアしながら楽しみたら幸いです
lastiva / 31 /
am looking for love am very good to stay in a place
Dshulman / 58 /
I am David Shulman. I am an Ashkenazi. A German of Jewish descent. I am an easy going person, an avid reader as well as a gym enthusiast. I love to travel, exchange languages and know more about people and their cultures
チキン / 18 /
Greeting from Japan I'm here to practice language I speak Japanese and English Currently I started to learn Russian
sa / 49 /
hello ,i am looking snailmail pals from Korea.i like cooking,baking sewing craft,cute stationary,movies.i also interesting Vietnam,friench Polynesia, looking the penpal long time.
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